LAND ACKNOWLEDGMENTWe acknowledge that our farm is located over lands originally used and occupied by First Peoples of the Williams Treaties First Nations, including the Chippewas of Georgina Island. We are open to learn, to create, and to seek ways of joining together, with all, in the spirit of reconciliation, peace, friendship and respect.
OUR VISION A healthy place on earth for all living creatures.
OUR MISSIONTo live and farm in a way that promotes social and ecological health.
Practice Sustainable AGRICULTURE
- We use methods that protect and enrich the soil
- We look for ways to use manual labour over machinery
- We sequester carbon by planting trees and perennial crops
- We farm without pesticides, herbicides and chemical fertilizers
- We are constantly working towards becoming a self-sustainable farm
- We practice natural pest management and weed control
- We protect and support bees and other pollinators
- We leave room for natural spaces on the farm
- We observe and learn from nature
- We are listening and learning to create a safe space that is free from discrimination, oppression and prejudice
- We welcome all volunteers who can benefit from and contribute to the farm
- We identify meaningful ways for volunteers and visitors to contribute
- We facilitate connections between like-minded people
- We take the time to invest in our relationships as a collective
- We support financial health by sharing food and providing income opportunities